Books to read

1. Spiritual Nutrition

- Dr Gabriel Cousens

2. Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine

- Dr Gabriel Cousens

3. The Complete Guide to Fasting

- Dr Jason Fung

4. Food - Not the Source of Energy 

- Tap Seva Sumiran Series

5. Proteinaholic

- Dr Garth Davis

1. Reversing Diabetes Program 

- Dr Neal Barnard

2. There is a Cure for Diabetes

- Dr Gabriel Cousens

3. The End of Diabetes

- Dr Joel Fuhrmann

4. China Study

- T Colin Campbell

5. Milk - A Silent Killer

- Dr N K Sharma

1. The 5 AM Club 

- Robin Sharma

2. The Power of Intention 

- Dr Wayne Dyer

3. The Artist’s Way 

- Julia Cameroon

4. Power vs Force 

- Dr David Hawkins

5. Biology of Belief 

- Dr Bruce Lipton

6. The Human Side of Human Beings 

- Harvey Jackins

1. Soul Mind Body Medicine 

- Dr Zhi Gang Sha

2. Energy Medicine

- Donna Eden

3. Tachyon Energy

- Dr Gabriel Cousens

4. The HeartMath Solution

- Doc Childre and Howard Martin

5. Ask and It Is Given

- Esther and Jerry Hicks

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